Okayama University


【Special_Lecture】2024.12.20 Single molecule techniques reveal stochastic computation in biological systems and provide new insights into energy system

November 19, 2024

・Living organisms are millions of times more energy-efficient than AI:
Exploring the mechanism of life from an energy perspective

柳田敏雄先生/Prof.YANAGIDA Toshio
大阪大学 免疫学フロンティア研究センター(IFReC)/主任研究者
Osaka University Immunoloty Frontier Research Center/ Principal Investigator

・Stochastic signal processing and organized randomness in living cells:  
Implications from single-molecule imaging analysis

上田昌宏先生/Prof. UEDA Masahiro
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University, Nanobiology Laboratories Laboratory of Single Molecule Biology/

12.20 【special_lecture】 Single molecule techniques reveal stochastic computation in biological systems and provide new insights into energy system

日時 2024年12月20日15時00分~17時00分 (講演会修了後,質疑応答の時間があります)
December 20th, 2024,15:00-17:00 (There will be a question and answer period after the lecture.)
場所 基礎研究棟 大学院セミナー室 / Seminar Room(1F Basic Research Building).
使用言語 日本語/Japanese
概要 このセミナーは、博士課程授業科目の「研究方法論 (基礎・応用)の授業に出席したとみなす講演会」としてカウントすることが可能です。出席記録簿(出席カード)を持参して、開催担当教授の「押印」を受けてください。

The study group are considered as classes of “Introduction of Basic Medical Sciences” and “Introduction of Clinical Medical Sciences”and counted for the unit accreditation.  Receive a sign from the organizer on the “Attendance Card”, when you attend them.
* In addition to attending the lecture, participation in the Q&A session (about 15 minutes)  are required.
Staffs, graduate students, undergraduate students, and anyone who are intersted in are welcome to the lecture.

お問い合わせ 研究会に関するお問い合わせは、
岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科システム生理学 森松 (内線7116)までお願い致します。  

Inquiries regarding to Study Group:
Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
OKAYAMA UNIVERSITY ,Cardiovascular Physiology Lab, 
M. Morimatsu (extension7116).