Important notification for international students
- (01)Measures related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection after April 1, 2024(2024.03.12)
- (02)Measures related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection after April 1, 2024(2024.03.12)
- Policy on wearing masks on campus after April 1, 2024(2024.03.12)
- Measures related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection after October 2, 2023(2023.10.02)
- Measures related to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection after May 8, 2023(2023.05.02)
- (Version after May 8, 2023) Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infections(2023.04.19)
- Policy on wearing masks on campus(2023.04.04)
- Response to “the government’s new policy on wearing masks”(2023.03.08)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infections(2022.11.10)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions on different activities) [Change in the measures as of August 1, 2022](2022.07.01)
- Restrictions on Entry to Shikata Campus for Prevention of COVID-19 Infection Change in the measures as of August 1,2022 (2022.07.01)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions for different activities) (2022.2.24)
- Instructions for activities and travel outside the prefecture during spring break (2022.2.22)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions for different activities)(2022.2.04)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions for different activities)(2022.1.28)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19) (2022.1.20)
- Instructions for activities and travel outside the prefecture during New Year holidays(2021.12.10)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions for different activities)(2021.11.16)
- Instructions on activities and travel outside the prefecture during the Summer holidays(2021.07.16)
- Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of New Coronavirus Infections (COVID-19)(Restrictions for different activities) (2021.06.21)
- Request to refrain from unnecessary entry to the hospital(2020.08.03)
【Current Students】COVID-19: Advice and Support for Students
Temporary financial support for students experiencing financial hardship(Medical Campus) (2021.05.27)
Notification and Application Forms:
- Financial Support for those affected by COVID-19: Third Recruitment (Notification)(2021.05.27)
- Form1~2(2021.05.27)