Tuition Fees Payment, Exemption Application, etc.
<Total amount of tuition> 267,900 Yen per semester (535,800 Yen per academic year)
The tuition fees for the first semester and the second semester need to be paid in May and November, respectively. Students who fall into any of the following categories are supposed to complete Bank Account Registration for Tuition Fee Transfer.
- Enrolled in Okayama University as a new student this academic year
- Transferred into Okayama University as a new student this academic year
- Wish to change the present bank account registered for tuition fee transfer
Click here to register your bank account for Tuition Fee Transfer.
Check the Bank Account Registration Manual for Tuition Fee Transfer on how to register a bank account on the system.
- Eligibility
Graduate students in the Master’s Course and Doctoral Course (Medicine and Dentistry) - Okayama University Tuition Exemption System
AY 2022 Simultaneous Application for First and Second Semester Tuition Fee Exemption / Application for Second Semester Tuition Exemption
- Current Students
Application period: Wednesday, September 21 – Wednesday, September 28 - Newly Enrollment in October 2022
Application period: Thursday, September 15 – Friday, September 16
Click here to contact the office in charge.